Advocates – Of course we all know and often hear the terms Lawyer, Advocate, Legal Counsel, Legal Counsel, and Legal Consultant. Often we see billboards or nameplate from an Advocate Office, Law Firm, Law Firm, and Law Consultant Office. However, have we ever thought or asked, what is the meaning of understanding and differences between Advocates / Lawyers, Legal Counsels, and Legal Consultants?

At first glance, we may have asked what is the meaning and difference. However, not all of us want to try to find out what the differences and understandings are. If you were a Law Student, of course, you should know and understand what the meanings and differences of the Advocate / Lawyer, Legal Counsel, and Legal Consultant were. But for some ordinary people, if not involved or stumbled in legal issues, not so willing to try to find out, what is the Definition and Difference of Lawyers / Advocates, Legal Counsels and Legal Consultants. As a layman, I want to explain a little about what is meant and the difference from an Advocate / Lawyer, Legal Counsel, and Legal Consultant. The following understanding of:
1. Advocate / Lawyer
Advocates as law enforcers carry out their roles and functions independently to represent the interests of the people and are not affected by state power.
Because of that advocates can be interpreted to have their point of view, with an objective way of thinking.
Advocate in his perspective, he represents the interests of the community (clients) to defend their legal rights. However, in defending these legal rights, advocates’ way of thinking must be objectively assessed based on their expertise and professional code of ethics.
For this reason, in the code of ethics determined among others, advocates may refuse to handle cases which according to their expertise do not have a legal basis, and advocates are prohibited from providing misleading information and promising victory to clients.
Before the enactment of Law Number 18 the Year 2003 regarding Advocates, the understanding of an advocate is someone who has a profession to provide legal services to people in court or someone who has a license to practice in court in all regions.
Whereas what is meant by an ordinary lawyer is someone who has a profession to provide legal services in a court of law in the area of the territory following his legal practice license.
Therefore, if the attorney will proceed outside the scope of his practice license area, he must first ask permission to the court where he will proceed.
2. Legal Counsel
Legal counsel or solicitor can be interpreted as a person who acts in providing legal advice and opinions on an action or legal action that will and has been carried out by his client. (non-litigation)
3. Legal Consultant
The definition of a legal consultant is one that specializes in corporate law in carrying out professional practice based on a specific business license issued by the authorities, not before a court of law.
Legal Consultants, generally work for legal jobs related to the business field.
Legal Consultant’s job, more reviewing agreements and carrying out due diligence in legal terms to assess whether the agreement made is beneficial for the client.
Legal Consultants, ensuring the legality of every commercial transaction, provides input to the company’s legal rights and obligations, including the duties and responsibilities of company employees.
In carrying out their duties, a Legal Consultant must know the legal aspects of contracts, tax law, accounting, securities law, bankruptcy, intellectual property rights, licenses, zoning laws, and laws that are specific to the interests of the corporate business in which they work.
Such is the understanding and difference of lawyers, lawyers, and legal advisors and legal consultants. It may be useful!